glenn paulley

Glenn Paulley

Photograph by James R. Page

I enjoy portrait and landscape photography. With the latter I especially enjoy photographing the Canadian prairies, particularly in Saskatchewan where I was raised. A common theme in my photographs of the West is the evidence of the painful economic shift that has taken place over the last 30 years, as much of the population moves from rural to urban communities. Signs of that transformation are everywhere in Saskatchewan and Manitoba – one just needs to look.

Photograph by Kevin Garrett

Glenn Paulley

I continue to utilize gelatin silver materials because I enjoy working with them so much more than with digital tools. I use Ilford film for most tasks except when I want to achieve a “grittier” feel, where I’ll switch to Kodak Tri-X 400. I use Ilford fiber-based paper and I particularly like the look of FB Warmtone for its creamier hues. I print in a traditional “wet” darkroom using a DeVere 504 enlarger with Rodenstock, Schneider, and Nikkor lenses.

For landscape photography I primarily use a Gibellini 4×5 field camera with Schneider and Fuji lenses. For portraiture I use medium-format Mamiya C330 twin-lens reflex cameras – I still like the 6x6cm format for many subjects. I also use film and digital Canon 35mm equipment on occasion, for those tasks where I need the flexibility or when digital is a must.

My other passion is curling – I’m at the rink for much of each winter. You can read about my work in curling here

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